Monday, January 30, 2012


Acknowledging the Lizard

The lizard brain, as Seth Godin calls it, is the brain stem that tells us we can't. It is the biggest barrier any artist has to overcome. You must acknowledge the lizard, so that you can ignore it. 


One of the most important things someone can do is connect with the world around you. It really is all about who you know. If you put yourself out there, and your stuff is even decent, you  should at least get feedback that you can grow on and improve yourself with. 

Be generous

With the advent of the internet, there is so much free art circulating 24/7. This means you can't charge whatever you want for something these days. Some things should just be free. If you're generous with your work, you'll be rewarded in return.


By just being a part of this class, I am making connections with the sort of people I will work with in my field. I think that making these connections helps me see more approaches to creative thinking. While I don't agree all the time, I enjoy listening to people talk during class. You can really get an idea of the views a person has from how they answer in class. Also, by connecting here, I'm making connections with people I will probably work with for, at least the next 4 years. 

Being generous is a good virtue to live by all the time. Not just being generous, but being nice too. If you're easy to work with and your work is decent, people will want to work with you. If you suck to work with and your work is great, no one will want to work with you. That is wasted talent. If you're generous, you will be rewarded.

I am not so sure that "acknowledging the lizard" really helps me write this blog. I suppose that I don't have much censorship while writing this blog. But I also feel that there's not a whole bunch of creativity going into this blog. We're assigned everything. 

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