Sunday, January 29, 2012

Blog Numero 1

Dis my hero:
White Color Scheme

His white outfit shows just how pure he is. Don't, however, confuse pure with perfect. He is not perfect. He loves to party, so his white outfit will make any imperfections stand out. But he is certainly modest about that. All he has to do is wash his white outfit, and boom, it's white again. His white outfit also shows how simple he is. He just wants to spread joy to the world and have everyone experience life.

Overhead spotlighting
He is the center of everyone's attention and the spotlight is always on him. The white spotlight just adds to his white color scheme. It creates a very simplistic emotion of good. No fancy lighting, just a simple white light over his head to make him even more pure. Most of his backgrounds will be black, that also makes him stand out even more as the good guy.

Angular Stance
This partying hero is almost always caught in an angular stance. This shows that he's not a complex person, his personality, like his stance, is straight and simple. The ways he stand makes him look like very fun loving guy

I just deconstructed

(Party Man)


This is evil enemy deconstructed: 
Orange/black color scheme
This villain represents all that is evil. His black evil soul is so powerful that it has been cast through unto his outfit. His reddish-orange color provokes the audience to think of hell, especially when complementing a deep black. These two colors exemplify how far opposite of Andrew W.K. he is.

Curvy round shape

Unlike Party Man, this evil villain is complex and ambiguous. His shape is round and curvy. His curves are unsettling and give you a sense of uncertainty about him. Round shapes also lets him blend into his background easier. Not knowing where your enemies are makes them much scarier. 

Rear, silhouette lighting

Party Man's arch-nemesis is generally lit from behind to create a silhouette. With a silhouette, he is more ambiguous, therefor more scary and unsettling. Since he's already partially black, only the orange in his silhouette stands out. A very daunting thought.

I just deconstructed

(Nasty Man)

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