Friday, March 9, 2012

Scene deconstruction

A theme from this movie that you could draw from this scene is: Material "needs" are really not needs, they're just "wants". And these wants can push the people you love away from you. You can see in this scene, he starts off saying , "I don't need a damn thing! I don't need any of this!" He then proceeds to see, things he wants and decides he does "need". The theme is not quite didactic; it doesn't quite go out and say it. But, it does keep pushing the joke further and further as he goes through the scene, further and further out the door, with more and more stuff in his hands.

The director uses direction to show the second part of the theme. As he gains more and more and more possessions, he gets further and further away from the love of his life, literally and metaphorically. He also uses space by barely moving the camera at all. As the main character gets further and further away, he also looks smaller and smaller. So, he is trying to hint that the more material possessions you have, the smaller you really are. and the further away from loved ones you are.

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